Browsing School of Environment and Natural Resources by Title
Now showing items 31-50 of 101
Effect of Sieve Mesh Size on the Estimation of Benthic Invertebrate Abundance and Composition in the Honi River, Kenya
(Nature Kenya/East African Natural History Society, 2014)Characterisation of benthic invertebrate communities, taxonomic abundance and composition provides information that is used during river bioassessment. However, the mesh size of the sieves used during processing of ... -
Effect of Small Impoundments on Leaf Litter Decomposition in Streams
(John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015)Leaf litter decomposition is an important process providing energy to freshwater biota. Flow regulation and dams can strongly alter freshwater ecosystems, but little is known about the effect of small impoundments on leaf ... -
Effectiveness of sanitation policy instruments in Mavoko Municipality of Machakos County, Kenya
(Cogent, 2017-06-16)Improved sanitation leads to better environmental quality however threatened environments, population densities and inadequate finances are some of the challenges facing proper sanitation management. This paper sought ... -
Effects of Climate Variability on Foraging Behaviour of Bees: A Case Study of Marigat and Ratat locations in Baringo County, Kenya
(2018)Beekeeping is among the livelihood diversification strategies likely affected by climate variability. The variation in temperature and rainfall influence forage phenology impacting on honey production in arid and semi-arid ... -
The Effects of Participatory Forest Management Projects on the Livelihoods of Communities Adjacent to Forests
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2016-01)This study examines the effects of participatory forest management projects on the livelihoods of communities adjacent to forests. Previously, such projects were government led through a top-down approach and this prevented ... -
Energy considerations in groundwater-ridging mechanism ofstreamflow generation
(Hydrological Processes, 2015)Groundwater ridging is the rapid rise of a shallow water table during a rainfall event, in an environment where, in the pre-event period, the capillary fringe extends to the ground surface. Groundwater ridging is widely ... -
Environmental And Social Impact Assessment Procedural Steps That Underpin Conflict Identification: Reference To Renewable Energy Resource Development In Kenya
(WIT Press, 2020-06-30)Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is a tool for an integrated assessment of multifaceted impacts of a proposed project. ESIA can identify areas of potential conflicts and prevent conflicts from occurring ... -
The Extent to Which the Content of Common Courses Offered Foster National Values Among the Youth in Private and Public Universities in Kenya.
(Kenya Journal Of Educational Planning, Economics & Management, 2016)This study sought to determine the extent to which the content of common courses offered foster national values among the youth in private and public universities in Kenya. The mixed method approach was employed for the ... -
Forest cover change and ecosystem services of Katimok forest reserve, Baringo County, Kenya
(Springer, 2019)Forests provide vital ecosystem services to communities living around them, contributing immensely to their livelihoods. Yet, these forests undergo land use changes that threaten the abundance and availability of ecosystem ... -
Freshwater resource characterization and vulnerability to climatechange of the Shela aquifer in Lamu, Kenya
(Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 2015)Salinization of coastal groundwater systemscauses a severe deterioration both in amount and quality offresh groundwater resources. To support the sustainableuse and management of fresh groundwater, ... -
A global review of the downstream effects of small impoundments on stream habitat conditions and macroinvertebrates
(NRC Research Press, 2015)The downstream ecological effects of large impoundments have previously been reviewed; however, little is known about the downstream ecological effects of small man-made impoundments. In this review, we examine 94 papers ... -
Heavy Metal Contamination of Water, Soil and Vegetables in Urban Streams in Machakos Municipality, Kenya
(Elsevier, 2020-08)Pollution of the environment by heavy metals emanating from rapid economic growth and improper waste and effluent disposal is a major concern. In this study, heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and Cr) in vegetables, ... -
Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Causes and Mitigation Measures in Tsavo Conservation Area, Kenya
(International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2014)Conflicts between people and wildlife currently rank amongst the main threats to conservation in Africa. In Kenya, for instance, with much of the wildlife living outside protected areas, one ... -
Hydrological responses to climate change in Mt. Elgon watersheds
(Elsevier, 2015)Study Region: The Upper catchments of the Nzoia River basin in western Kenya. Study Focus: The potential streamflow responses to climate change in the upper Nzoia River basin are studied. The Soil and Water Assessment ... -
Impact of Community Health Strategy on Provision of Health Services Among Residents of Nakuru Central
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2015, 2015)Community health strategy (CHS) is an approach of one of the Kenyan Vision 2030 flagship projects that intends to improve the health status of communities, through initiation and implementation of ... -
Impact of Population Growth and Climate Change on the Freshwater Resources of Lamu Island, Kenya
(2015-01)Demand for freshwater is rising with factors, such as population growth, land use change and climate variations, rendering water availability in the future uncertain. Groundwater resources are being increasingly exploited ... -
Impact of Population Growth and Climate Change on the Freshwater Resources of Lamu Island, Kenya
(2015)Demand for freshwater is rising with factors, such as population growth, land use change and climate variations, rendering water availability in the future uncertain. Groundwater resources are being increasingly exploited ... -
Impacts of quarrying activities on the environment and livelihood of people in Border II sub-location, Nyando sub-county, Kisumu County, Kenya
(Wiley Periodicals, 2022-04)The aim of the study was to assess the impacts of quarrying activities on the environment and livelihood of people in the Border II sub-location. Primary data was collected through questionnaires, Key Informant Interviews, ... -
Improving Quality of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Reports: A Statistical Analysis
(WIT Press, 2022)Environmental and Social Impact Statement (ESIS) for a proposed development is vital in guiding decision makers arrive at an informed decision. Many studies have analysed ESIS quality using qualitative methods with limited ... -
Improving the Participationof Agro-Pastoralists in Climate ChangeAdaptation and Disaster Risk ReductionPolicy Formulation: A Case Studyfrom Keiyo District, Kenya
(2011)rowing scientific evidence suggests that climate change will acceler-ate weather extremes and increase human vulnerability to disasters. Exposure ofagro-pastoralists to erratic rainfall and cyclical droughts leads ...