Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Business Sustainability: A Need To Re-Look Environmental Practices And Initiatives
(European Journal of Business and Management, 2014)
Due to the increasing degradation of the natural business enterprises’ environmental commitment has become an important variable in most of today’s competitive business environment. This is because activities of most ...
Determinants of Adoption Choices of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Crop Production by Small Scale Farmers in Some Regions of Central Ethiopia
(Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2014)
In Sub-Saharan Africa, climate change is set to hit the agricultural sector the most and cause untold suffering particularly for smallholder farmers. Adoption of climate change adaptation strategies aims to minimize adverse ...
Resource Potential of the Tana Basin with Particular Focus on the Bwathonaro Watershed, Kenya
The Tana Basin of Kenya is one of the most important basins in the country
comprising of several catchments that are endowed with diverse resources. The
utilization of these resources is necessary to the development of ...
Socio-economic and Environmental Concerns of Water Resources Management in the Tana Basin, Kenya
(School of Environmental Studies and Human Science, Kenyatta University, 2007)
Water is an essential resource for the development of any country and its availability is the most limiting factor for socio-economic progress and advancement. Due to various factors, there is a growing need for more water ...
Water Resources Utilization, Conflicts and Interventions in the Tana Basin of Kenya
Water is an essential resource necessary for social and economic
development of any country. When it is available in sufficient
quantities and acceptable quality, it is extensively used for domestic,
agricultural and ...
A Review of Some Indices used for Drought Studies
Droughts are serious extreme events that have adverse effects on the physical environment and water resource
systems in both developed and developing countries. Consequently, there is need for adequate measures for
responding ...
Regionalization of the Upper Tana Basin of Kenya Using Stream Flow Records
(Department of Civil Engineering, JKUAT, 2007)
In this study, the upper Tana basin of Kenya was delineated into homogenous hydrological zones based on monthly stream flow records from several river gauge stations in the basin using the empirical orthogonal function ...
The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health and the Need for Health Education in Kenya
(Joypet Sevices & Printers Ltd, 2007)
Human health is dependent on a good and clean
environment and many of the factors that lead to a
deteriorated environment also lead to poor health.
Pollution of the atmosphere, lack of sufficient and!
or polluted water ...