Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Interactive comment on “A model of landslide triggering by transient pressure waves
(Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2014)
Hydraulic diffusivity coefficient in Iverson’s (2000) paper and Pressure head diffusivity
coefficient in our manuscript may appear as a matter of semantics, but they do not
describe the same physical process, as indicated ...
Model Post Disaster Reconstruction in Third World Countries, (Case of El Nino Emergency Project– Kenya)
Following El Nino phenomena that occurred between November 1997 and
March 1998, heavy rainfall all over the country caused floods that impacted
thirty-five of the seventy-six administrative districts and the provincial ...
Interactive comment on“Hillslope experimentdemonstrates role of convergence during two-stepsaturation”byA. I. Gevaert et al.
(Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2014)
Based on experimental results, obtained from a large scale physical model, Gevaertet al. (2014) attempt to present an alternative physical process of the formation of agroundwater ridge; its dependence on the shape of a ...
A model of landslide triggering bytransient pressure waves
(Copernicus GmbH, 2014)
Previous studies indicate that most rainfall-triggered shallow landslides are initiated by a spike in rainfall intensity, which does not usually occur at the beginning of a critical storm, within which the slide is triggered, ...
BIOSAN Latrine for Refugee Camps
Provision for energy needs, safe water supply and sustenance of environmental
quality are among the topmost challenges facing the present human society.
Water and sanitation inadequacies also hinder economic and social ...
Indigenous Construction Technologies in Flood-Prone Areas of Western Kenya
Shelter and sanitation are essential for the well-being and development of most
societies. The approach and technology for the provision of shelter and
sanitation varies with the social, economic and environmental ...