Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Environmental And Social Impact Assessment Procedural Steps That Underpin Conflict Identification: Reference To Renewable Energy Resource Development In Kenya
(WIT Press, 2020-06-30)
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is a tool for an integrated assessment of multifaceted impacts of a proposed project. ESIA can identify areas of potential conflicts and prevent conflicts
from occurring ...
A novel integrative performance evaluation of constructed wetland on removal of viable bacterial cells and related pathogenic, virulent and multidrug resistant genes from wastewater systems
Integrative performance evaluation of constructed wetland in removal different aspects of bacteria under specific
local environmental conditions needs to be explored in detail to ensure selection of appropriate and ...
Modelling Projected Changes in Soil Water Budget in Coastal Kenya under Different Long-Term Climate Change Scenarios
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020-09-01)
The possible impacts that climate change will have on soil water budget and specifically on
deep percolation, runoff and soil water content have been investigated using HYDRUS, a methodology
based on numerical modelling ...
Relationship between socio-economic factors and water quality status of Chania River, Kenya
(Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 2021-07-20)
Human related activities harm water quality. However, there is limited information on
the impact of socio-economic activities on water quality in River Chania. This study
focused on the determination of the effect of ...
Macroinvertebrate Drift as an Indicator of Disturbance in a Kenyan Highland Stream: The Njoro River
(AER, 2021-08)
Many Kenyan streams are influenced by humans through disturbances such as water abstraction, farming and grazing in the riparian areas. However, there is limited information on the effect of natural and anthropogenic ...
Improving Quality of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Reports: A Statistical Analysis
(WIT Press, 2022)
Environmental and Social Impact Statement (ESIS) for a proposed development is vital in guiding decision makers arrive at an informed decision. Many studies have analysed ESIS quality using qualitative
methods with limited ...
Aspects of the sustainability of the camel milk value chain and its regulatory framework in Isiolo County, Northern Kenya
(Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 2022-02)
The camel milk value chain plays a critical role as a primary foundation of livelihoods among the pastoralist communities, but it faces a great challenge in control mechanisms to enhance a sustainable marketing system. Our ...
Smallholder Farmers’ Perception, Level of Awareness and Adaptation to Climate Change in Masinga Sub County, Machakos County, Kenya
(African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research (AMJR), 2022)
Climate change and variability negatively affects the contribution by smallholder farmers
towards household and community food security. Masinga sub-county being one of the most
vulnerable regions to climate change has ...
Impacts of quarrying activities on the environment and livelihood of people in Border II sub-location, Nyando sub-county, Kisumu County, Kenya
(Wiley Periodicals, 2022-04)
The aim of the study was to assess the impacts of quarrying activities on the environment and livelihood of people in the Border II sub-location. Primary data was collected through questionnaires, Key Informant Interviews, ...
Heavy Metal Contamination of Water, Soil and Vegetables in Urban Streams in Machakos Municipality, Kenya
(Elsevier, 2020-08)
Pollution of the environment by heavy metals emanating from rapid economic growth and
improper waste and effluent disposal is a major concern. In this study, heavy metal
concentrations (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and Cr) in vegetables, ...