Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment and Its Substantive Contribution to Environmental Risk Management: Insights from Eia Practitioners and Other Stakeholders in Kenya’s Renewable Energy Sub-Sector
(WIT Press, 2019)
Comprehensive and transparent public participation during Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes for renewable energy projects is vital in identifying, addressing and mitigating potential environmental risks ...
Does the exclusion of meiofauna affect the estimation of biotic indices using stream invertebrates?
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)
Biomonitoring of rivers is usually undertaken using information based on macroinvertebrate assemblages.
However, exclusion of meiofauna (i.e. invertebrates less than 0.5 mm in size) when sorting benthic invertebrates
can ...
Effect of Sieve Mesh Size on the Estimation of Benthic Invertebrate Abundance and Composition in the Honi River, Kenya
(Nature Kenya/East African Natural History Society, 2014)
Characterisation of benthic invertebrate communities, taxonomic abundance and
composition provides information that is used during river bioassessment.
However, the mesh size of the sieves used during processing of ...
Model Post Disaster Reconstruction in Third World Countries, (Case of El Nino Emergency Project– Kenya)
Following El Nino phenomena that occurred between November 1997 and
March 1998, heavy rainfall all over the country caused floods that impacted
thirty-five of the seventy-six administrative districts and the provincial ...
Determinants for the purchase of woven products among consumers in Kisumu County, Kenya
This research was designed to establish the determinants for the purchase of woven products among consumers in Kisumu County, Kenya. By definition, woven products are products made by interlacing fibrous materials like ...
Analysis of Environmental Initiatives on Business Performance Sustainability at the Lake Naivasha Ecosystem, Kenya
(Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 2014)
Increasing degradation of the natural environment is one of the main threats to human survival in the long term. Business enterprises’ environmental commitment has, therefore, become an important variable in most of today’s ...
Local communities, biodiversity conservation and ecotourism: acase study of the Kimana Community Wildlife Sanctuary, Kenya
Protected areas in Kenya constitute 7% of the total land area with over 75% of wildlife in the country being found on private or communal land. Rural communities in Kenya, where protected areas generally exist, ...
Analysis of Environmental Initiatives on Business Performance Sustainability at the Lake Naivasha Ecosystem, Kenya
Increasing degradation of the natural environment is one of the main threats to human survival in the long term.
Business enterprises’ environmental commitment has, therefore, become an important variable in most of
today’s ...
Invertebrate drift densities in the Njoro and Kamweti Rivers in the Kenyan highlands that differ in the level of anthropogenic disturbances
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
Invertebrate drift is one of several fundamental ecological processes in streams. However, little is known about
the dynamics of invertebrate drift in Kenyan streams. In this study, we assessed invertebrate drift in two ...
Do Smallholder Farmers Perceive Rainfall Variability the Same and Correctly? Gendered and Spatial Analysis of Perception Versus Actual Trends of Rainfall in Three Livelihood Zones in Kenya
(Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 2018)
In this paper we compared perceived rainfall variability with actual rainfall variability using a more nuanced and mixed approach in order to understand the influence of gender dynamics and spatial location on perceptions. ...