Now showing items 1-10 of 354
Composite Materials
(Springer, 2012)
Since the publication of the second edition of this book, there has been a spate of activity in the field of composites, in the academia as well as in the industry. The industrial activity, in particular, has been led by ...
Integrative Human Biochemistry
(Springer, 2015)
Traditional lecture classes in biological sciences are being challenged by modern forms
of communication. Modern communication tends to be more visual and less interpretative
in nature. In lectures, the didactics are ...
Quantum Mechanics for Pedestrians 1
(Springer, 2014)
The first edition of ‘Physics for Pedestrians’ was very well received. Repeatedly, I
was asked to extend the considerations to relativistic phenomena. This has now
been done in this second edition. Volume 1 contains ...
Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education
(Springer, 2019)
Typical instruction in research methods in education can be detached from real
issues and real problems in education; it often focuses on the nuts and bolts of
research processes, and sometimes with examples that are ...
Quick Start Guide to Verilog
(Springer, 2019)
The classical digital design approach (i.e., manual synthesis and minimization of logic) quickly
becomes impractical as systems become more complex. This is the motivation for the modern digital
design flow, which uses ...
(Springer, 2019)
The classical digital design approach (i.e., manual synthesis and minimization of logic) quickly
becomes impractical as systems become more complex. This is the motivation for the modern digital
design flow, which uses ...
Handbook of Quantitative Criminology
(Springer, 2010)
Quantitative criminology has certainly come a long way since I was first introduced to a largely qualitative criminology some 40 years ago, when I was recruited to lead a task force on science and technology for the President’s ...
Essential Astrophysics
(Springer, 2013)
Essential Astrophysics is a book to learn or teach from, as well as a fundamental
reference for anyone interested in astronomy and astrophysics. This unique volume
can be used as a textbook, teaching guide, or reference ...
Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems
(Springer, 2018)
Cyber-physical systems combine cyber capabilities with physical capabilities
to solve problems that neither part could solve alone. This chapter provides an
informal introduction to cyber-physical systems, setting the ...
Energy Harvesting and Energy Efficiency
(Springer, 2017)
Energy harvesting and energy efficiency are two key topics for today’s power
community. In the development of modern society, one of the key factors is to save
energy in order to become more independent of other resources. ...