Now showing items 14109-14128 of 18549

    • The place for Dry Land Agriculture in Kenya’s Secondary School Agriculture Curriculum 

      Miriam, Kyule, N.; Konyango, J. J. O. Jacob (Machakos University, 2019-04)
      Purpose: The paper set out to document the extent to which secondary school agriculture curriculum addresses competencies on Dry Land Agriculture (DLA) and the possible ways of bridging the gaps. Approach: This is a ...
    • The Place of an Applied Linguist in Actualising the Big Four Agenda 

      Mutune, Fellis N. (Machakos University Press, 2019-04)
      The Big Four Agenda, hereafter BFA, is a four-point agenda initiated by His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta, the President of Kenya, which outlines his focus in his final Presidential term. The BFA is geared towards ...
    • Plant Anatomy 

      Crang†, Richard; Lyons-Sobaski, Sheila; Wise, Robert (Springer, 2019)
      The science of plant anatomy extends back to the late seventeenth century and, by now, spans over 300 years and encompasses hundreds of thousands of reports in the scientific literature. The early plant anatomy research ...
    • Plant Ecology 

      Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Beck, Erwin; Buchmann, Nina; Clemens, Stephan; Müller-Hohenstein, Klaus; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael (Springer, 2019)
      The puzzle illustrates the characteristics of modern Plant Ecology which aims to relate genetic information and molecular physiology with the biological and environmental constraints of plant life across the globe. ...

      Machakos University (Machakos University Press, 2021-08)

      Machakos University (Machakos University Press, 2021-08)

      Machakos University (2016)

      Machakos University (2016)

      Machakos University (Machakos University Press, 2019)
    • Plant Physiological Ecology 

      Lambers, Hans; Chapin III, F. Stuart; Pons, Thijs L. (Springer, 2008)
      Plant ecophysiology is an experimental science that seeks to describe the physiological mechanisms underlying ecological observations. In other words, ecophysiologists, or physiological ecologists, address ecological ...
    • Plant Physiology, Development and Metabolism 

      Bhatla, Satish C; Lal, Manju A. (Springer, 2018)
      Plants serve as a source for sustainable food and biofuel and also play crucial roles in maintaining human health and ecosystem. Thus, it becomes imperative to understand the mechanisms of plant growth and development. ...

      Machakos university (2015)
    • Plate Tectonics 

      Frisch, Wolfgang; Meschede, Martin; Blakey, Ronald (Springer, 2011)
      In the late 1960’s, Wegener’s theory of continental drift , originally conceived fi ft y years earlier, was merged with the theory of plate tectonics and the concepts gained global acceptance among geoscientists. For ...
    • Play Determinants Influencing Acquisition of Numeracy Skills Among Early Childhood Learners in ECDE Centres in Kathiani Sub-County, Machakos County 

      Muema, Mary Mbula (2018-10)
      This study sought to underscore the influence of play determinants in the teaching of Mathematics, particularly acquisition of numeracy skills among children in pre-school. The study was done in Kathiani zone which is in ...
    • PLC 

      Machakos University (Machakos University Press, 2021-06)
    • PLC 

      Machakos University (Machakos University Press, 2021-08)
    • Plumbing Practice 

      Machakos University (2014)
    • Plumbing Theory 

      Machakos University (2014)
    • Plumbing Theory 

      Machakos University (2014)

      Machakos University (2019-04)