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Now showing items 1-20 of 19342
A Synoptic Ecopath model of biomass flows during two different static ecological situations in Lake Nakuru (Kenya)
(Department of Zoology, University of Nairobi, 2001)Trophic relationships inside the Lake Nakuru ecosystem during two different phases are described by using the ECOPATH model. This allows a partial explanation of the ecological changes observed in the lake and to show that ... -
Bathymetry of Lake Bogoria, Kenya
(Nature Kenya/East African Natural History Society, 2003)This paper presents the first bathymetric map for the approximately 17 km by 2 km alkaline Lake Bogoria situated in the eastern Rift Valley of Kenya. Longitudinal and transverse cross sections of the lake are also provided. ... -
Biodiversity characteristics of small high-altitude tropical man-made reservoirs in the Eastern Rift Valley, Kenya
(University Of Nairobi, 2002)The biodiversity characteristics in eight small (0.065–0.249 km2) public man-made reservoirs in the central part of the Eastern Rift Valley, Kenya, were studied between 1995 and 1998. A total of 71 phytoplankton species ... -
Chemical Characteristics, with particular reference to phosphorus, of the rivers draining into Lake Naivasha, Kenya
(School of Biological Sciences, 2002)Macrophytes have been shown to perform important ecological roles in Lake Naivasha. Consequently, various studies regarding the impact of biotic factors on the macrophytes have been advanced but related studies on environmental ... -
Comparative limnology, species diversity and biomass relationship of zooplankton and phytoplankton in five freshwater lakes in Kenya
(Springer, 1994)Comparative studies on the limnology, species diversity and standing stock biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton in five freshwater lakes, Naivasha and Oloidien, Ruiru, Masinga and Nairobi reservoirs, were undertaken. ... -
Comparing macrophyte herbivory by introduced Louisiana crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) (Crustacea: Cambaridae) and native Dytiscid beetles (Cybister tripunctatus) (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), in Kenya
(2005)The omnivorous Louisiana crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, has caused significant changes to macrophyte communities worldwide and may have similar negative effects in Kenya if used as a biological control agent for snails ... -
Ecology and Management of Lake Naivasha, Kenya, in Relation to Climatic Change, Alien Species' Introductions, and Agricultural Development
(University Of Nairobi, 1990)Lake Naivasha is an important freshwater resource for Kenya's foreign-currency-earning agriculture and tourism, and for water-supply. It has always experienced extensive water-level fluctuations as a consequence of irregular ... -
Genetic and morphological analyses indicate high population mixing in the endangered cichlid Alcolapia flock of East Africa
(2013)Alcolapia is a minor genus of small-bodied, polymorphic cichlids inhabiting the lagoons and hot springs surrounding the soda lakes Natron (largely in Tanzania) and Magadi (Kenya). Three Alcolapia species are present at ... -
Lake Naivasha, Kenya: Ecology, Society and Future
(Freshwater Biological Association, 2011)We examine the degradation of the natural capital and ecosystem services of an important tropical lake, Kenya’s Lake Naivasha, in the context of human activities and exploitation since the mid-20th century. These factors ... -
Fact sheet I
(2014) -
Fact sheet II
(2015) -
Effect of settlement on nutrition and health status of pastoral Gabra women of reproductive age in Kalacha Location, Marsabit County, Kenya
(Cambridge University Press, 2013)Objective The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of settlement on the nutrition and health status of pastoral women of reproductive age. Design A cross-sectional survey that included a 24 h dietary ... -
Effect of dietary intakes on pregnancy outcomes: a comparative study among HIV-infected and uninfected women at Nyanza provincial general hospital, Kenya
(AJOL, 2012)The effect of maternal dietary intakes on pregnancy outcomes was assessed in a descriptive, cross-sectional survey among women attending the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV program at Nyanza ... -
Anthropometric characteristics and nutritional status of older adults in the Lake Victoria Basin of East Africa: Region, sex, and age differences
(MedPharm Publications, 2012)Background: Malnutrition, either as undernutrition or overnutrition, leads to detrimental alterations in body composition. The objective of this study was to investigate selected anthropometric measurements, and the ... -
Isolation And Testing The Cholesterol Reduction Ability (In-Vitro) Of Lactococcus Lactis From Fermented Smooth Pigweed (Amaranthus Hybridus) Leaves
(Bioline International, 2011)Probiotics are live microbial feed supplements, which positively affect the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance. Studies have shown probiotic activities of Lactococci isolated from dairy foods, which ... -
Information access by Urban Social Workers in Kenya: A Case of Nakuru City
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2015)The study was set to identify how Urban Social Workers in Kenya accessed information and how they used it. The objectives of the study were to determine accessibility to information by Urban Social Workers; find out the ... -
The Involvement of the Faculty in Book Selection: The Case of Egerton University Library, Kenya
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2014)The study set out to find why users were unhappy with the library collection as was revealed by user surveys carried out by the library. The objectives of the study were to: Evaluate the usefulness of the collection; ... -
Books for Africa Donations
(2015) -
Highlights of Principal's 4th Matriculation Speech
(2015-09-14) -
4th Matriculation Ceremony photographs