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Now showing items 1-20 of 19342
The critical period for weed competition in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)[in Kenya]
(1983)This thesis reports on experimental work carried out on Irish potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) during the 1980-81 short rains and 1981 long rains. The work was conducted at Kabete, Faculty of Agriculture Field Station, ... -
Ecology and Management of Lake Naivasha, Kenya, in Relation to Climatic Change, Alien Species' Introductions, and Agricultural Development
(University Of Nairobi, 1990)Lake Naivasha is an important freshwater resource for Kenya's foreign-currency-earning agriculture and tourism, and for water-supply. It has always experienced extensive water-level fluctuations as a consequence of irregular ... -
Representation Theory
(Springer, 1991)The primary goal of these lectures is to introduce a beginner to the finitedimensional representations of Lie groups and Lie algebras. Since this goal is shared by quite a few other books, we should explain in this Preface ... -
Acceptability of Whey-Fruit Juice Drink Mix Prepared with Cottage Cheese Whey
(East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, 1992) -
Retention of Freshness in Fig Fruit by CO2-Enriched Atmosphere Treatment or Modified Atmosphere Packaging under Ambient Temperature
(THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE, 1993)At 20•C, freshness retention of figs (Ficus carica L. cv. Masui Dauphine) by CO2-enriched atmosphere treatment or modified atmosphere packaging were studied in an attempt to reduce deterioration during transportation. ... -
Differential Equations and Their Applications
(Springer, 1993)Mathematics is playing an ever more important role in the physical and biological sciences, provoking a blurring of boundaries between scientific disciplines and a resurgence of interest in the modern as weil as the ... -
(Springer, 1993)This is a text for a one-quarter or one-semester course in probability, aimed at students who have done a year of calculus. The book is organized so a student can learn the fundamental ideas of probability from the first ... -
Comparative limnology, species diversity and biomass relationship of zooplankton and phytoplankton in five freshwater lakes in Kenya
(Springer, 1994)Comparative studies on the limnology, species diversity and standing stock biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton in five freshwater lakes, Naivasha and Oloidien, Ruiru, Masinga and Nairobi reservoirs, were undertaken. ... -
Principles of Quantum Mechanics
(Springer, 1994)Over the decade and a half since I wrote the first edition, nothing has altered my belief in the soundness of the overall approach taken here. This is based on the response of teachers, students, and my own occasional ... -
(1995)This study analyses the constraints to smallholder credit farm investment. The data for the study were collected in Majoge Chache Location, Kisii District. A total of 40 respondents were , interviewed for a period extending ... -
Transmission Electron Microscopy
(Springer, 1996)How is this book any different from the many other books that deal with TEM? It has several unique features, but the most distinguishing one, we believe, is that it can really be described as a "textbook"-that is, one ... -
Topics of fruits and vegetables markets in Kenya
(Japan Association of Food Preservation Scientists, 1997) -
Automata and Computability
(Springer, 1997)These are my lecture notes from C8381/481: Automata and Computability Theory, a one-semester senior-level course I have taught at Cornell University for many years. I took this course myself in the fall of 1974 as ... -
Characterization of Carbon Dioxide Stress-Induced Ethylene Biosynthesis in Cucumber {Cucumis sativus L.) Fruit
(JSPP, 1998)In the present study, we have investigated the mechanism through which carbon dioxide induces ethylene biosynthesis in cucumber {Cucumis sativus L.) fruit. A series of inhibitors were tested in order to determine the ... -
Production and Utilization of Food Commodities in Kenya
(Japan Association of Food Preservation Scientists, 1998) -
Expression Characteristics of CS-ACS1, CS-ACS2 and CS-ACS3, Three Members of the 1-AminocycIopropane-l-Carboxylate Synthase Gene Family in Cucumber {Cucumis sativus L.) Fruit under Carbon Dioxide Stress
(Oxford University Press, 1999)We investigated the expression pattern of three 1-aminocydopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase genes, CS-ACS1, CS-ACS2 and CS-ACS3 in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) fruit under CO2 stress. CO2 stress-induced ethylene ... -
Expression Characteristics of CS-ACS1, CS-ACS2 and CS-ACS3, ThreeMembers of the 1-AminocycIopropane-l-Carboxylate Synthase Gene Familyin Cucumber {Cucumis sativus L.) Fruit under Carbon Dioxide Stress
(1999)We investigated the expression pattern of three 1-aminocydopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase genes,CS-ACS1, CS-ACS2 and CS-ACS3 in cucumber (Cucumissativus L.) fruit under CO2 stress. CO2 ... -
Managing a Library automation project: the Moi University experience
(MCB University Press, 1999)Examines the major problems associated with managing a library automation project in a developing country. The Moi University experience is representative of the type of problems that a library project manager in a developing ...