Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Bootstrap of Kernel Smoothing in Quantile Autoregression Process 

      Mwita, Peter N.; Franke, J¨urgen (Journal of Statistical and Econometric Methods, 2013)
      The paper considers the problem of bootstrapping kernel estimator of conditional quantiles for time series, under independent and identically distributed errors, by mimicking the kernel smoothing in nonparametric autoregressive ...
    • On the Estimation and Properties of Logistic Regression Parameters 

      Ngunyi, Antony; Mwita, Peter N.; Otieno, Romanus O. (IOSR Journal, 2014)
      Logistic regression is widely used as a popular model for the analysis of binary data with the areas of applications including physical, biomedical and behavioral sciences. In this study, the logistic regression model, ...