Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Soiled Diapers Disposal Practices among Caregivers in Poor and Middle Income Urban Settings
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2015)
With the rise of Environmentalism in the 1960s, there was a growing realization by individuals, organizations and governments that the environment was being adversely affected by human activities. Nakuru for the last few ...
Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment and Its Substantive Contribution to Environmental Risk Management: Insights from Eia Practitioners and Other Stakeholders in Kenya’s Renewable Energy Sub-Sector
(WIT Press, 2019)
Comprehensive and transparent public participation during Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes for renewable energy projects is vital in identifying, addressing and mitigating potential environmental risks ...
Changes in the densities of faecal and organic matter contaminants from upstream to downstream along Nyangores River of Mara catchment, Kenya
(Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources, 2014)
Changes in land use for development purposes in the upper catchment of the Mara River Basin have threatened the water quantity of its major tributaries. This study investigated the effect of human settlement and development ...
Improving Quality of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Reports: A Statistical Analysis
(WIT Press, 2022)
Environmental and Social Impact Statement (ESIS) for a proposed development is vital in guiding decision makers arrive at an informed decision. Many studies have analysed ESIS quality using qualitative
methods with limited ...