Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Physical Chemical Parameters of Waste water. A case Study of Njoro Sewage Works, Nakuru, Kenya
Njoro sewage works is the main sewage work for Nakuru urban town that receives about 90% of industrial wastewater and 10 % domestic wastewater. In-sufficient pre-treatment of industrial wastewater, may affect the normal ...
Climate Variability and the Associated Impacts on Smallholder Agriculture in Senetwo Location, Kenya
(International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2015)
: In the Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASALs) part of West Pokot County of Kenya, the growing season for agricultural activities occurs during the peak rainfall season of March, April and May (MAM). Farmers in these areas rely ...
Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Causes and Mitigation Measures in Tsavo Conservation Area, Kenya
(International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2014)
Conflicts between people and wildlife currently rank amongst the main threats to conservation in Africa. In Kenya, for instance, with much of the wildlife living outside protected areas, one ...
Local communities, biodiversity conservation and ecotourism: acase study of the Kimana Community Wildlife Sanctuary, Kenya
Protected areas in Kenya constitute 7% of the total land area with over 75% of wildlife in the country being found on private or communal land. Rural communities in Kenya, where protected areas generally exist, ...
Spatial Modeling of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) growing areas in Kenyan Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Charles
(Elixir, 2014)
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is an important African cereal crop and is listed among Africa’s lost crops but is now gaining popularity as other cereals are declining in production due to climatic change. To promote food ...
Impact of Community Health Strategy on Provision of Health Services Among Residents of Nakuru Central
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2015, 2015)
Community health strategy (CHS) is an approach of one of the Kenyan Vision 2030 flagship projects that intends to improve the health status of communities, through initiation and implementation of ...