Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Does the exclusion of meiofauna affect the estimation of biotic indices using stream invertebrates?
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)
Biomonitoring of rivers is usually undertaken using information based on macroinvertebrate assemblages.
However, exclusion of meiofauna (i.e. invertebrates less than 0.5 mm in size) when sorting benthic invertebrates
can ...
Effect of Sieve Mesh Size on the Estimation of Benthic Invertebrate Abundance and Composition in the Honi River, Kenya
(Nature Kenya/East African Natural History Society, 2014)
Characterisation of benthic invertebrate communities, taxonomic abundance and
composition provides information that is used during river bioassessment.
However, the mesh size of the sieves used during processing of ...
Monitoring water and habitat quality in six rivers draining the Mt. Kenya and Aberdare Catchments using Macroinvertebrates and Qualitative Habitat Scoring
The study was conducted in June and September 2011 in six rivers that drain
Mt. Kenya and the Aberdare catchments, i.e. Honi, Naro Moru, Liki,
Sirimon, Mariara and Karigu. The main objective was to determine the
ecological ...
Sensitivity of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Isolates from Diseased Avocado Fruits to Selected Fungicides in Kenya
(Hindawi, 2018)
Colletotrichumgloeosporioidesisaseriouspostharvestpathogenofavocadofruitsworldwide.Kenyalacksanyregisteredfungicides for the management of the disease. Nevertheless, farmers commonly use commercially available fungicides ...
Effect of drift sampler exposure time and net mesh size on invertebrate drift density in the Njoro River, Kenya
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
Although invertebrate drift is an important ecological process in lotic ecosystems, very little is known about it
in Kenyan rivers. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the effect of driftnet mesh size and ...
Invertebrate drift densities in the Njoro and Kamweti Rivers in the Kenyan highlands that differ in the level of anthropogenic disturbances
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
Invertebrate drift is one of several fundamental ecological processes in streams. However, little is known about
the dynamics of invertebrate drift in Kenyan streams. In this study, we assessed invertebrate drift in two ...
A critical review of the effect of water storage reservoirs on organic matter decomposition in rivers
(NRC Research Press, 2016)
Organic matter decomposition is vital in sustaining river food webs. However, little is known about the effect of water
storage reservoirs on organic matter decomposition in rivers. In this paper, we reviewed and analyzed ...
Methane-Derived Carbon in the Benthic Food Web in Stream Impoundments
(Public Library of Science, 2014)
Methane gas (CH4) has been identified as an important alternative source of carbon and energy in some freshwater food
webs. CH4 is oxidized by methane oxidizing bacteria (MOB), and subsequently utilized by chironomid ...
Benthic Macro-invertebrate Diversity and Biomass Distribution in Relation to Canopy Cover and Organic Matter in River Njoro, Kenya
(Egerton University, 2013)
Field experiments to quantify benthic macroinvertebrate density, diversity and biomass and benthic organic matter
(BOM) content in the River Njoro, Kenya, were conducted between January 2009 and April 2009 at four sites ...
Effect of Small Impoundments on Leaf Litter Decomposition in Streams
(John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015)
Leaf litter decomposition is an important process providing energy to freshwater biota. Flow regulation and dams can strongly alter freshwater ecosystems, but little is known about the effect of small impoundments on leaf ...