Now showing items 1-3 of 3
BIOSAN Latrine for Refugee Camps
Provision for energy needs, safe water supply and sustenance of environmental
quality are among the topmost challenges facing the present human society.
Water and sanitation inadequacies also hinder economic and social ...
A global review of the downstream effects of small impoundments on stream habitat conditions and macroinvertebrates
(NRC Research Press, 2015)
The downstream ecological effects of large impoundments have previously been reviewed; however, little is known about the downstream ecological effects of small man-made impoundments. In this review, we examine 94 papers ...
Aspects of the sustainability of the camel milk value chain and its regulatory framework in Isiolo County, Northern Kenya
(Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 2022-02)
The camel milk value chain plays a critical role as a primary foundation of livelihoods among the pastoralist communities, but it faces a great challenge in control mechanisms to enhance a sustainable marketing system. Our ...