Now showing items 114-271 of 271

      Hard dough [1]
      Harvest time [1]
      Host farmers [1]
      Hydrogen peroxide [2]
      ICT [1]
      ICT; dietary quality; undernutrition; information; children [1]
      Idiosyncratic [1]
      idiosyncratic [1]
      Impact [1]
      Impact analysis [1]
      Improved cultivars [1]
      Improved varieties [3]
      Inequality [1]
      Infection pathways [1]
      Information [1]
      Inhibitors of protein kinase [1]
      Inhibitors of protein phosphatase [1]
      Innovation [1]
      Integrated pest management [1]
      Intra-household analysis [2]
      Intra-row spacing [1]
      Irony [1]
      Kenya [9]
      Kilns [1]
      Leafy vegetables [2]
      Learning resources [1]
      Lepidopteran defoliators [1]
      Lime juice [1]
      Livestock [1]
      Low density polyethylene, Lycopersicon esculentum L., Modified atmosphere packaging, Tomato fruit. [1]
      Low temperature storage [1]
      Lycopersicon esculentum [1]
      Maize [2]
      Malnutrition [1]
      Malting [1]
      Manure and fertilizer use [1]
      Market choice [1]
      Market milk [2]
      Marketed milk [1]
      Means-End approach [1]
      Means-end chain analysis [1]
      Means-end chain approach [1]
      Micronutrient [2]
      Millets [1]
      Minerals [1]
      Modified atmosphere packaging [1]
      Moisture content [1]
      Motivations [1]
      Multiple shocks [1]
      Mwala [1]
      Nairobi [2]
      Nutrient contents [1]
      Occupational Defined Contribution Schemes [1]
      Oil [1]
      Organoleptic [1]
      Packaging [2]
      parasitoids [1]
      Participation rates [1]
      Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) [1]
      pastoralist [1]
      peach [1]
      Pearl millet [1]
      pedagogy [1]
      Perceived risk [1]
      Perceptions [1]
      Peri-urban [1]
      Peri-urban vegetable farmers [1]
      Peroxide value [1]
      Personal values [1]
      Pest distribution [1]
      Pest information service [1]
      Pesticide use [1]
      pH [1]
      Physical characteristics [1]
      Phytochemical [1]
      Phytochemicals [1]
      Pigeonpea [3]
      Plant density [1]
      Policy impact [1]
      Postharvest [1]
      Potato cultivars [1]
      Potato processing [1]
      Pre-harvest interval [1]
      predators [1]
      Primary Schools [1]
      Production diversity [1]
      Productivity [1]
      Proximate composition [1]
      Prunuspersica [1]
      psychomotor [1]
      Quality [2]
      Radical scavenging activity. [1]
      Reconditioning [1]
      Reducing sugars [1]
      Regression tree [1]
      Resource [1]
      Respiration [2]
      Ripening [1]
      Risk-sharing [2]
      Rural [1]
      Rural Kenya [1]
      SARS-CoV-2 [1]
      Scheme Design [1]
      Secondary Schools [1]
      Sensory attributes [1]
      Sensory properties [1]
      Shelf life [1]
      Shelf-life [2]
      Shocks [2]
      Signal transduction. [1]
      Signal transduction. [2]
      Smoking [1]
      Social network analysis [1]
      Social networks [6]
      Sodium benzoate [1]
      Sodium metabisulfie [1]
      Soft dough [1]
      Sorghum [4]
      spider mites [1]
      Stakeholder mapping [1]
      Staphylococcus aureus [1]
      Starch [3]
      stem weevil [1]
      Stochastic frontier. [1]
      Storage [1]
      Storage temperature [1]
      Students [1]
      Students attitude [1]
      Sugars [1]
      Tanzania [1]
      Teaching [1]
      teaching methods [1]
      Technical efficiency [1]
      technology [1]
      Theory of change [1]
      Tomato [2]
      Total titratable Acidity (TTA) [1]
      Total viable count [1]
      Transformation [1]
      Trustees [1]
      Turkana County [1]
      TVET institutions [1]
      undergraduate students [1]
      universities [1]
      Urban agriculture [1]
      Urban consumers [3]
      Value chains [1]
      Values [1]
      Walnut flour [1]
      Water [2]
      Watreshed [1]
      Welfare outcomes [1]
      Willingness to pay [4]
      Women [1]
      Women’s empowerment [1]
      Xiangtian olive [1]
      Yield [1]
      β-carotene [2]