Now showing items 2-21 of 47

    • Concepts, Methods and Practical Applications in Applied Demography 

      Thomas, Richard K. (Springer, 2018)
      This Chapter presents an overview of the field of demography and the place of applied demography within the broader context. It traces the development of applied demography as a sub-discipline and reviews the factors ...
    • Correctional Counseling and Treatment 

      Kratcoski, Peter C. (Springer, 2017)
      Correctional Counseling and Treatment, Sixth Edition, is designed to provide information on the counseling and treatment methods currently being used in community and institutional corrections in the United States. The ...
    • Disability and Vocational Rehabilitation in Rural Settings 

      Harley, Debra A.; Ysasi, Noel A.; Bishop, Malachy L. (Springer, 2018)
      As editors of this book, Noel, Malachy, Allison, and I have over 45 years of combined experience in education, research, and service delivery in rehabilitation, disability, social justice, and social services. As faculty ...
    • Energy and the Wealth of Nations 

      Hall, Charles A.S.; Klitgaard, Kent (Springer, 2018)
      There are four books on our shelf that have the words, more or less, “wealth of nations” in their titles. They are Adam Smith’s 1776 pioneering work, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, and ...
    • Entertainment Science 

      Hennig-Thurau, Thorsten; Houston, Mark B. (Springer, 2019)
      The entertainment industry, enlightening billions of people with movies, games, books, and music, is often characterized by its “Nobody-Knows-Anything” mantra. This mantra, coined more than 30 years ago by screenwriter ...
    • Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Social Work 

      Drisko, James W.; Grady, Melissa D. (Springer, 2019)
      Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a major shaping influence in clinical social work practice, in relation to economic policies, and in professional education. The definition of EBP remains contested; professionals still ...
    • Fraud and Corruption 

      Kratcoski, Peter C.; Edelbacher, Maximilian (Springer, 2018)
      The concepts fraud and corruption can be defined in several ways, depending on the contexts in which the terms are being applied. One needs only to look at the history of civilizations, both those in the past and the ...
    • Handbook of Disaster Research 

      Rodríguez, Havidán; Quarantelli, Enrico L.; Dynes, Russell R. (Springer, 2007)
      Disasters create difficulties, even for those who study disasters. Much of that difficulty stems from the necessity to deal with concepts, which have popular meanings, and some of those meanings evoke moral and emotional ...
    • Handbook of Evolutionary Research in Archaeology 

      Prentiss, Anna Marie (Springer, 2019)
      Evolutionary archaeology has developed from a marginal discussion to a mainstream focus in modern archaeology. Archaeologists have become widely aware that the rigorous procedures developed in the guise of evolutionary ...
    • Handbook of LGBT Elders 

      Harley, Debra A.; Teaster, Pamela B. (Springer, 2016)
      As editors of this text, Pamela and I have over 40 years of combined experience in service delivery; education; and research in aging, human rights, disability, and social services. Beginning in 2013, we collaborated ...
    • Handbook of Marriage and the Family 

      Peterson, Gary W.; Bush, Kevin R. (Springer, 2013)
      Before describing the history, purpose, and structure of this book, it seems appropriate to identify an unintentional and latent theme in this Handbook of Marriage and the Family, 3rd Edition . As we edited these ...
    • Handbook of Quantitative Criminology 

      Piquero, Alex R.; Weisburd, David (Springer, 2010)
      Quantitative criminology has certainly come a long way since I was first introduced to a largely qualitative criminology some 40 years ago, when I was recruited to lead a task force on science and technology for the President’s ...
    • Handbook of Sociological Theory 

      Turner, Jonathan H. (Springer, 2001)
      One of the most obvious trends in sociology over the last 30 years is differentiation of substantive specialties. What is true in the discipline as a whole is particularly evident in sociological theory. Where once there ...
    • Handbook of the Life Course 

      Mortimer, Jeylan T.; Shanahan, Michael J. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003)
      The development of the life course as a field of study parallels in some respects another prominent subfield of sociology, social psychology. In his now-classic assessment, House (1977) observed that social psychology’s ...
    • Handbook of the Sociology of Gender 

      Chafetz, Janet Saltzman (Springer, 2006)
      During the past three decades, feminist scholars have successfully demonstrated the ubiquity and omnirelevance of gender as a sociocultural construction in virtually all human collectivities, past and present. Intrapsychic, ...
    • International Handbook of Historical Archaeology 

      Majewski, Teresita; Gaimster, David (Springer, 2009)
      ‘‘Historical archaeology’’ is one of the most fast-changing and dynamic fields of study in the archaeological discipline.This collection of essays by researchers and practitioners from around the world charts the field’s ...
    • International Humanitarian Action 

      Heintze, Hans-Joachim; Thielb€orger, Pierre (Springer, 2018)
      NOHA (The Network on Humanitarian Action) is an international association of 12 European universities and five global partner universities. The aim of NOHA is to enhance professionalism in the humanitarian sector through ...
    • Introduction to Formal Philosophy 

      Hansson, Sven Ove; Hendricks, Vincent F. (Springer, 2018)
      In 1974, a wonderful little book came out entitled Formal Philosophy: Selected Papers of Richard Montague, edited by Richmond H. Thomason. The book was a beautiful testimony to the fact that formal methods may indeed ...
    • Introduction to Law 

      Hage, Jaap; Waltermann, Antonia; Akkermans, Bram (Springer, 2017)
      The Introduction to Law that you are now holding in your hands is special in the sense that it introduces students to law in general and not to the law of one specific jurisdiction. It has been written with two goals in ...
    • An Introduction to Zooarchaeology 

      Gifford-Gonzalez, Diane (Springer, 2018)
      In 1950, there were few, if any, zooarchaeologists. Today the number of zooarchaeologists in North America is growing toward equal proportions with those specializing in the more traditional fields of lithic and ceramic ...