Now showing items 3731-3906 of 3906

      Validation [1]
      Value -at -Risk Risk [1]
      Value at Risk [1]
      Value at risk [1]
      Value Chain [1]
      Value chain [2]
      Value chains [2]
      Value education [1]
      Value-at-Risk [3]
      Value-at-risk [2]
      Value-at-Risk (VaR) [1]
      Value-at-risk. [1]
      Value-system actors [1]
      Values [1]
      VaR [2]
      Variation [2]
      Varieties [1]
      VCSEL [1]
      VCSELs [1]
      VECM [1]
      Vector ecology [1]
      Vector surveillance [1]
      Vector-host contact [1]
      vegetables [1]
      Vegetation [1]
      Vegetation alterations [1]
      vegetation cover [1]
      Vegetation Index [1]
      Vehicle Parking [2]
      Vehicle surveillance [2]
      Vendor managed inventory [1]
      verbal extensions [1]
      verbal learning [1]
      vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) [1]
      Vertical transmission [1]
      vertical transmission [1]
      Vibao [1]
      Vice-Chancellor [1]
      Video Mediated Technology [1]
      Vigna unguiculata [1]
      Violence [3]
      Virtual Discourse Community [1]
      Virtual education [1]
      Virtual environment [1]
      Viscosity [1]
      Visual impairment [2]
      visual impairment [1]
      visual impairments [1]
      Visually Impaired [1]
      visually impaired learners [2]
      visually impaired learners. [1]
      Visually impaired students [1]
      vitamin A [1]
      Vitenzi [1]
      Vocational Education and Training [1]
      vocational teachers [1]
      Voice [2]
      Volatility [8]
      Volatility clustering [1]
      Volatility skew/smile [1]
      Volatility Spill-Over [1]
      Volcanic rocks [1]
      Voltage Collapse [1]
      Voltage collapse [2]
      Voltage Profile [1]
      Voltage profile [1]
      Voltage profile (VP) [1]
      Voltage profile improvement [3]
      Voltage stability [7]
      voltage stability [1]
      Vote [1]
      VSLA [1]
      Vulnerability [2]
      Vulnerable Children [1]
      Vulnerable children [1]
      Vyombo vya moto [1]
      wahusika [1]
      wakoloni na utaifa [1]
      Walnut flour [1]
      War trauma [1]
      Warehouse management system [1]
      Waste Management [1]
      Waste management [1]
      Waste reduction strategy [1]
      Wastewater [1]
      Wastewatertreatment plants [1]
      Water [4]
      water [2]
      Water absorption [2]
      Water management [1]
      water management [1]
      Water pollution [1]
      Water projects. [1]
      Water Purification [1]
      Water Quality [1]
      Water quality [2]
      water quality [2]
      water remediation [1]
      Water resources [1]
      Water resources management [1]
      Water stress [2]
      Water supply [1]
      Watershed [1]
      watershed [1]
      Watreshed [1]
      Wavelength Conversion [2]
      wavelengthreuse [1]
      WDM [1]
      Weak Limit [1]
      Weak solution [1]
      Weather derivatives [1]
      Web Application Portal [1]
      Weeds [1]
      Welfare Benefits [1]
      Welfare Initiatives [1]
      Welfare outcomes [1]
      Welfare Services [1]
      Well drilling [1]
      West Pokot [1]
      Western Kenya. [1]
      Wetland zone [1]
      Wiener process [1]
      Willingness to pay [4]
      Wind [1]
      Wind energy [1]
      wind energy [1]
      Wind-Solar Hybrid [2]
      Wireless [1]
      Wireless personal Area Network [1]
      Wise exploitation [1]
      Within-host model [1]
      Women [3]
      women [1]
      Women enterprise fund [1]
      Women’s empowerment [1]
      Women’s social development [1]
      Work behaviour [1]
      Work Environment [1]
      Work Experience [1]
      Work Life Balance [1]
      Work life balance practices [1]
      Work-life balance [1]
      Working capital [1]
      Working days load demand [1]
      Workload [1]
      Workplace culture change [2]
      World Bank [2]
      World Health Organization (WHO) [1]
      World-view [1]
      Woven products [1]
      Writer stance. [1]
      Writers [1]
      Writing problem [1]
      X-ray Crystallography [1]
      X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy [1]
      Xanthomonas-wilt [1]
      Xiangtian olive [1]
      Year of study and gender [1]
      Yield [1]
      Yield loss [1]
      Yield trends [1]
      YLWHA [1]
      Young athlete [1]
      Youth [3]
      Youth with and without disability. [1]
      youth with disabilities [1]
      Youths [1]
      Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles [1]
      zero-valent iron [1]
      Zika [1]
      Zinc zirconate [2]
      Zirconium butoxide [1]
      Zoogeography [1]
      β-carotene [2]
      𝐺��𝐿�� + innovation [1]
      𝐺��𝐿��+ innovation [1]