Browsing MKSU Scholarly Articles by Title
Now showing items 18-37 of 44
Human Resource Practices Influencing Employees Productivity in the Department of National Registration Bureau Nairobi County, Kenya
(THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT, 2020-09)The main purpose of this research work was to find out the human resource practices that influence employees’ productivity in the department of national registration bureau Nairobi county. National Registration ... -
Impediments to promoting access to global knowledge in sub-Saharan Africa
(Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2004)Knowledge-based societies have come to be identified with the advanced economies. Knowledge is now looked on as a new source of competitive advantage. Those economies where knowledge is created and used in large quantities ... -
Industrial Relations System as a Factor of Tripartite Consultation Influencing the Performance of State Corporations in Kenya
(International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, 2013-06)The study sought to establish the effect of Industrial relations system in Kenya on the performance of state corporations. Methodology: Data was obtained through a descriptive design involving 279 employees both unionized and ... -
(International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 2019-11-01)Despite many government interventions aimed at reviving the declining coffee industry in Kenya, the quality and quantity of Kenyan coffee is deteriorating. Research has shown that farmers are not applying production ... -
Influence of Market Information on Decision to Invest through Nairobi Securities Exchange among Youth Groups of Kisumu County in Kenya
(Research Gate, 2018)The challenges associated with youth employment and participation in economic development has been a key concern world over, especially in developing economies. The youths in Kenya are specifically looked at because of ... -
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2020-10)The purpose of this study was to determine the human resource practices that influence employees productivity in the department of national registration bureau Nairobi county. National Registration Bureau department (NRB) ... -
Information access by Urban Social Workers in Kenya: A Case of Nakuru City
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2015)The study was set to identify how Urban Social Workers in Kenya accessed information and how they used it. The objectives of the study were to determine accessibility to information by Urban Social Workers; find out the ... -
Intervening Effect of Tripartite Consultation On the Performance of State Corporations in Kenya
(International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 2015)The study sought to establish the intervening effect of tripartite consultation between the role of social partners, the tripartite consultation system, the economic change issues, the relationship between social partners ... -
The Involvement of the Faculty in Book Selection: The Case of Egerton University Library, Kenya
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2014)The study set out to find why users were unhappy with the library collection as was revealed by user surveys carried out by the library. The objectives of the study were to: Evaluate the usefulness of the collection; ... -
Knowledge acquisition inhibitors faced by incubator tenants in their endeavour to acquire knowledge in university incubation centres in Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge, 2020-07)The purpose of this paper is to analyze critically Knowledge acquisition inhibitors faced by incubator tenants in their endeavour to acquire knowledge in university incubation centres in Kenya. The methodology for the ... -
Knowledge Management education in the departments of Library/Information Science in South Africa
(Sabinet, 2007)This paper focuses on the role of the departments of Library and/or Information Science (U1S) in South African universities in the training of Knowledge Management (KM) competencies. A questionnaire was e-mailed to thirteen ... -
Knowledge Management in a Research Organisation: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
(Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, 2006)Knowledge is fast becoming a source of competitive advantage that makes a difference between success and failure for both profit and non-profit organisations. The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) is a non-profit ... -
Knowledge production and distribution by institutions of higher education in sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities and challenges
(Unisa Press, 2011)This article focuses on available opportunities and challenges which institutions of higher education in sub-Saharan Africa face in producing and distributing knowledge. Institutions of higher education are also expected ... -
Managing a Library automation project: the Moi University experience
(MCB University Press, 1999)Examines the major problems associated with managing a library automation project in a developing country. The Moi University experience is representative of the type of problems that a library project manager in a developing ... -
The Moderating Effect of Strategic Leadership on the Relationship between Executive Compensation and Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT, 2019-09-01)Boards of Directors are not only held responsible for an organization’s failure to conform to rules and regulations or failure to attain organizational performance goals, they are also supposed to remunerate and monitor ... -
(International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 2019-10)Preparation for Performance Appraisal (PA) affects performance of commercial banks. When preparing to undertake PA, banks should ensure that; they involve all the stakeholders in setting both organization’s and individual ... -
Relationship Between Strategic Capabilities and Competitive Advantage in the Kenyan Banking Sector
(IPRJB, 2019)Purpose: The Commercial banks operating in Kenya are experiencing a faster pace of change characterized by customers’ sophistication, strict regulation and supervision, technology advancement, liberalization of banking ... -
Role of Counseling in Employee Performance in Public Universities(A Case Study of Kenyatta University)
(2016-08)In order to achieve the set goals or perform the activities of any organization, employees have to be taken care of economically, politically and socially, to enable them perform to the standards required. One way of taking ... -
The role of knowledge management in enhancing government service-delivery in Kenya
(Stellenbosch University, 2009)This article explores the role that knowledge management (KM) can play to support governance, performance effectiveness, and service delivery in government agencies in Kenya. It further addresses the challenges and problems ... -
The Role of Library Schools in Shaping the Changing Patterns of Scholarly Communication
(Stellenbosch University, 2011)