Browsing School of Environment and Natural Resources by Title
Now showing items 75-94 of 101
Occupational Safety and Health Hazards in the Informal Non-food Manufacturing Sector in Kampala City, Uganda
(Asian Journal of Medicine and Health, 2019)The informal non-food manufacturing sector is an engine of growth and development in both developed and developing countries. This particular sector is unregulated and unregistered in official government statistics. It is ... -
Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems and Their Compliance among Petrol Stations in Kenya: A Case Study in Nakuru County
(2019-08-22)Companies have a legal and social responsibility to ensure the safety of its workers, all persons lawfully present at the workplace and the surrounding community. This requires laid down procedures and routing process which ... -
Physical Chemical Parameters of Waste water. A case Study of Njoro Sewage Works, Nakuru, Kenya
(2018)Njoro sewage works is the main sewage work for Nakuru urban town that receives about 90% of industrial wastewater and 10 % domestic wastewater. In-sufficient pre-treatment of industrial wastewater, may affect the normal ... -
(International Journal of Development Research, 2014)The important role that women play in the management of water resources has been recognized in various parts of the world. This is because they play a significant role in accessing water for various uses such as washing, ... -
The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health and the Need for Health Education in Kenya
(Joypet Sevices & Printers Ltd, 2007)Human health is dependent on a good and clean environment and many of the factors that lead to a deteriorated environment also lead to poor health. Pollution of the atmosphere, lack of sufficient and! or polluted water ... -
Potential tropical climate-based spatio-temporal grass variability
(Environmental Research Communications, 2019)Numerous international agreements aimed at reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by signatory countries have been ratified in an attempt to combat the adverse varied impacts of climate change and promote resource use ... -
Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment and Its Substantive Contribution to Environmental Risk Management: Insights from Eia Practitioners and Other Stakeholders in Kenya’s Renewable Energy Sub-Sector
(WIT Press, 2019)Comprehensive and transparent public participation during Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes for renewable energy projects is vital in identifying, addressing and mitigating potential environmental risks ... -
Rainfall Variability Effects on Pastoral Pasture Availability in Turkana Central Sub-County, Kenya
(Science Domain, 2016)This study was conducted to analyse rainfall variability and assess its effects on pasture availability, over the period 1983 to 2014. Study Design: The study employed causal research design, in order to highlight the ... -
Regionalization of the Upper Tana Basin of Kenya Using Stream Flow Records
(Department of Civil Engineering, JKUAT, 2007)In this study, the upper Tana basin of Kenya was delineated into homogenous hydrological zones based on monthly stream flow records from several river gauge stations in the basin using the empirical orthogonal function ... -
Relationship between socio-economic factors and water quality status of Chania River, Kenya
(Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 2021-07-20)Human related activities harm water quality. However, there is limited information on the impact of socio-economic activities on water quality in River Chania. This study focused on the determination of the effect of ... -
Resource Potential of the Tana Basin with Particular Focus on the Bwathonaro Watershed, Kenya
(2006)The Tana Basin of Kenya is one of the most important basins in the country comprising of several catchments that are endowed with diverse resources. The utilization of these resources is necessary to the development of ... -
A Review of Some Indices used for Drought Studies
(2014)Droughts are serious extreme events that have adverse effects on the physical environment and water resource systems in both developed and developing countries. Consequently, there is need for adequate measures for responding ... -
Sensitivity of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Isolates from Diseased Avocado Fruits to Selected Fungicides in Kenya
(Hindawi, 2018)Colletotrichumgloeosporioidesisaseriouspostharvestpathogenofavocadofruitsworldwide.Kenyalacksanyregisteredfungicides for the management of the disease. Nevertheless, farmers commonly use commercially available fungicides ... -
Small Hydro-power Plants in Kenya: A Re view of Status, Challenges and Future Prospect
(Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC) & Iranian Association of Chemical Engineers (IAChE), 2016)Small Hydro-power Plants (SHP) are important sources of electricity in many countries. However, little is known about SHP in Kenya. This paper reviews the status, challenges in implementation of SHP and prospects for future ... -
Smallholder Farmers’ Perception, Level of Awareness and Adaptation to Climate Change in Masinga Sub County, Machakos County, Kenya
(African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research (AMJR), 2022)Climate change and variability negatively affects the contribution by smallholder farmers towards household and community food security. Masinga sub-county being one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change has ... -
Socio-economic and Environmental Concerns of Water Resources Management in the Tana Basin, Kenya
(School of Environmental Studies and Human Science, Kenyatta University, 2007)Water is an essential resource for the development of any country and its availability is the most limiting factor for socio-economic progress and advancement. Due to various factors, there is a growing need for more water ... -
Socioeconomic Factors Hindering the Participation of Women in Managing Water Resources in Kajiado County, Kenya
(University of Nairobi, 2014)The important role women play in water resources management has been recognized for a long time globally and in most societies, they are the ones primarily responsible for the management of household water supply and ... -
Soil properties effects and management of organic residues to improve C sequestration, reduce N losses and improve crop yields
(2010)Rates of decomposition of organic materials in soil determine the amount of carbon (C) which is mineralized and released as CO2 versus the amount of C that is retained in various forms in the soil. Decomposition rates ... -
Soiled Diapers Disposal Practices among Caregivers in Poor and Middle Income Urban Settings
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2015)With the rise of Environmentalism in the 1960s, there was a growing realization by individuals, organizations and governments that the environment was being adversely affected by human activities. Nakuru for the last few ... -
Sources, Accessibility and Reliability of Water for Various Uses in Ruiru District of Kiambu County, Kenya
(International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2014)Numerous challenges regarding the availability of water availability for various socioeconomic development activities exist in many areas across the globe. This is particularly so in most peri-urban areas where scarcity ...