Browsing School of Environment and Natural Resources by Submit Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 101
Contribution of Microfinance credit on affordability of education of children of the rural women in Keiyo NorthDistrict, Elgeyo-Marakwet County, Kenya
(2014)This paper examines the contribution of microfinance credit on affordability of education of the children of the rural women, based on study findings from a survey done in Keiyo North district in Elgeyo Marakwet County, ... -
(International Journal of Environment, Ecology, 2014)Hotel service quality has long been a concern for scholars and practitioners. Previous researches indicate that the service quality of hotels in Kenya is yet to match international standards. It has been argued that one ... -
Climate Variability and the Associated Impacts on Smallholder Agriculture in Senetwo Location, Kenya
(International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2015): In the Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASALs) part of West Pokot County of Kenya, the growing season for agricultural activities occurs during the peak rainfall season of March, April and May (MAM). Farmers in these areas rely ... -
Potential tropical climate-based spatio-temporal grass variability
(Environmental Research Communications, 2019)Numerous international agreements aimed at reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by signatory countries have been ratified in an attempt to combat the adverse varied impacts of climate change and promote resource use ... -
Occupational Safety and Health Hazards in the Informal Non-food Manufacturing Sector in Kampala City, Uganda
(Asian Journal of Medicine and Health, 2019)The informal non-food manufacturing sector is an engine of growth and development in both developed and developing countries. This particular sector is unregulated and unregistered in official government statistics. It is ... -
Composition of plastic waste discarded by households and its management approaches
(Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 2019)Among the emerging environmental issues within Sub-Saharan Africa is the haphazard disposal of plastic waste, some of which end up downstream in the marine environment leading to negative effects. Notably there have been ... -
Integrating MFT-qPCR techniques in constructed wetlandfaecal bacterial purification monitoring; a case of a typicaltropical hybrid constructed wetland system
(Iwa Publishing, 2018)The sanitation control of pathogens in the tropical effluents needs much more attention to ensureecosystem health integrity and the safety of human health. The common use of chemicals inachieving this in wastewater treatment ... -
Physical Chemical Parameters of Waste water. A case Study of Njoro Sewage Works, Nakuru, Kenya
(2018)Njoro sewage works is the main sewage work for Nakuru urban town that receives about 90% of industrial wastewater and 10 % domestic wastewater. In-sufficient pre-treatment of industrial wastewater, may affect the normal ... -
The Extent to Which the Content of Common Courses Offered Foster National Values Among the Youth in Private and Public Universities in Kenya.
(Kenya Journal Of Educational Planning, Economics & Management, 2016)This study sought to determine the extent to which the content of common courses offered foster national values among the youth in private and public universities in Kenya. The mixed method approach was employed for the ... -
Water Resources Utilization, Conflicts and Interventions in the Tana Basin of Kenya
(2005)Water is an essential resource necessary for social and economic development of any country. When it is available in sufficient quantities and acceptable quality, it is extensively used for domestic, agricultural and ... -
Resource Potential of the Tana Basin with Particular Focus on the Bwathonaro Watershed, Kenya
(2006)The Tana Basin of Kenya is one of the most important basins in the country comprising of several catchments that are endowed with diverse resources. The utilization of these resources is necessary to the development of ... -
A Review of Some Indices used for Drought Studies
(2014)Droughts are serious extreme events that have adverse effects on the physical environment and water resource systems in both developed and developing countries. Consequently, there is need for adequate measures for responding ... -
Analysis of Hydrological Drought Events in the Upper Tana Basin of Kenya
(2015)Drought is a major environmental hazard which has serious implications for water management and environmental protection. This is especially so when unsustainable water management, as well as predicted climate change ... -
Climate Finance: Fears and Hopes for Developing Countries
(Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 2014)This article looks at the current climate finance architecture and its impact on developing countries climate change responses. The primary aim is to capture the contradictions that exist in the climate finance ... -
Spatial Characteristics of Drought Duration and Severity in the Upper Tana Basin, Kenya
(2014-04)Drought is a recurring hazard in many countries of Africa, and Kenya is thus no exception. In the majority of the countries in the continent, drought affects agriculture, since it is predominantly rain-fed and is the ... -
Analysis of Environmental Initiatives on Business Performance Sustainability at the Lake Naivasha Ecosystem, Kenya
(2014)Increasing degradation of the natural environment is one of the main threats to human survival in the long term. Business enterprises’ environmental commitment has, therefore, become an important variable in most of today’s ... -
Appraising Policy, legal and Institutional Frameworks used in promoting Sustainable Sanitation Management Approaches in Mavoko Municipality within Machakos County
(Society for Science and Education, 2018-10-25)The objective of the study was to appraise the existing policies, legal and institutional frameworks and their influence in promoting sustainable sanitation management. The study site covered the urbanizing areas of Athi ... -
Effectiveness of sanitation policy instruments in Mavoko Municipality of Machakos County, Kenya
(Cogent, 2017-06-16)Improved sanitation leads to better environmental quality however threatened environments, population densities and inadequate finances are some of the challenges facing proper sanitation management. This paper sought ... -
Socioeconomic Factors Hindering the Participation of Women in Managing Water Resources in Kajiado County, Kenya
(University of Nairobi, 2014)The important role women play in water resources management has been recognized for a long time globally and in most societies, they are the ones primarily responsible for the management of household water supply and ... -
Analysis of Challenges to the Sustainability of Livestock Food System in Isiolo County, Kenya
(2018)Dryland landscapes experiences greater challenges in the regional and international trade for livestock and livestock products due to systems of production, quality control and safety measures. The objective of this ...