Now showing items 149-168 of 196

    • Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice 

      Braun, Dietrich; Cherdron, Harald; Rehahn, Matthias; Ritter, Helmut; Voit, Brigitte (Springer, 2013)
      The focus of the previous edition was on a broader description of the general methods and techniques for the synthesis, modifications and characterization of macromolecules. This was supplemented by selected and detailed ...
    • A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python 

      Langtangen, Hans Petter (Springer, 2016)
      The aim of this book is to teach computer programming using examples from mathematics and the natural sciences. We have chosen to use the Python programming language because it combines remarkable expressive power with ...
    • Principles of Astrophysics 

      Keeton, Charles (Springer, 2014)
      This book is designed to show how physical principles can be used at the advanced undergraduate level to understand astronomical systems such as planets, stars, galaxies, and the universe as a whole. It emerges from a ...
    • Principles of Data Mining 

      Bramer, Max (Springer, 2016)
      This book is designed to be suitable for an introductory course at either undergraduate or masters level. It can be used as a textbook for a taught unit in a degree programme on potentially any of a wide range of subjects ...
    • Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy 

      Lakowicz, Joseph R. (Springer, 2006)
      The first edition of Principles was published in 1983, and the second edition 16 years later in 1999. At that time I thought the third edition would not be written until 2010 or later. However, the technology of ...
    • Principles of Musical Acoustics 

      Hartmann, William M. (Springer, 2013)
      Musical acoustics is a scientific discipline that attempts to put the entire range of human musical activity under the microscope of science. Because science seeks understanding, the goal of musical acoustics is nothing ...
    • Principles of Physics 

      Radi, Hafez A.; Rasmussen, John O. (Springer, 2013)
      This book on Principles of Physics is intended to serve fundamental college courses in scientific curricula. Physics is one of the most important tools to aid undergraduates, graduates, and researchers in their technical ...
    • Principles of Polymer Chemistry 

      Ravve, A. (Springer, 2000)
      This book, unlike the first and second editions, is primarily aimed to be a textbook for a graduate course in polymer chemistry and a reference book for practicing polymer chemists. The first and second editions, on the ...
    • Principles of Quantum Mechanics 

      Shankar, R. (Springer, 1994)
      Over the decade and a half since I wrote the first edition, nothing has altered my belief in the soundness of the overall approach taken here. This is based on the response of teachers, students, and my own occasional ...
    • Probability 

      Pitman, Jim (Springer, 1993)
      This is a text for a one-quarter or one-semester course in probability, aimed at students who have done a year of calculus. The book is organized so a student can learn the fundamental ideas of probability from the first ...
    • Probability and Statistics for Computer Science 

      Forsyth, David (Springer, 2018)
      An understanding of probability and statistics is an essential tool for a modern computer scientist. If your tastes run to theory, then you need to know a lot of probability (e.g., to understand randomized algorithms, to ...
    • Probability Theory 

      Borovkov, Alexandr A. (Springer, 2013)
      It is customary to set the origins of Probability Theory at the 17th century and relate them to combinatorial problems of games of chance. The latter can hardly be considered a serious occupation. However, it is games ...
    • Probability Theory 

      Klenke, Achim (Springer, 2014)
      This book is based on two four-hour courses on advanced probability theory that I have held in recent years at the universities of Cologne and Mainz. It is implicitly assumed that the reader has a certain familiarity ...
    • Problems in Classical Electromagnetism 

      Macchi, Andrea; Moruzzi, Giovanni; Pegoraro, Francesco (Springer, 2017)
      This book comprises 157 problems in classical electromagnetism, originating from the second-year course given by the authors to the undergraduate students of physics at the University of Pisa in the years from 2002 to ...
    • Proofs from THE BOOK 

      Aigner, Martin; Ziegler, Günter M. (Springer, 2018)
      Paul Erd˝os liked to talk about The Book, in which God maintains the perfect proofs for mathematical theorems, following the dictum of G. H. Hardy that there is no permanent place for ugly mathematics. Erd˝os also said ...
    • A Pythagorean Introduction to Number Theory 

      Takloo-Bighash, Ramin (Springer, 2018)
      This book came out of an attempt to explain to a class of motivated students at the University of Illinois at Chicago what sorts of problems I thought about in my research. In the course, we had just talked about the ...
    • Python For ArcGIS 

      Tateosian, Laura (Springer, 2015)
      Imagine... You’ve just begun a new job as a GIS specialist for the National Park Service. Your supervisor has asked you to analyze some wildlife data. She gives you a specifi c example to start with: One data table (Bird ...
    • Python Programming Fundamentals 

      Lee, Kent D. (Springer, 2014)
      Computer Science is a creative, challenging, and rewarding discipline. Computer programmers, sometimes called software engineers, solve problems involving data: computing, moving, and handling large quantities of data ...
    • The Python Workbook 

      Stephenson, Ben (Springer, 2014)
      I believe that computer programming is a skill that is best learned through hands-on experience. While it is valuable for you to read about programming in textbooks and watch teachers create programs at the front of ...
    • Quantum Mechanics 

      Bes, Daniel R. (Springer, 2012)
      The preparation of another edition of a text on quantum mechanics is always a challenge. On the one hand, one may decide to cover some previously omitted topics, after gauging again their relevance. On the other hand, ...