Now showing items 1-20 of 196

    • Abstract Algebra 

      Lee, Gregory T. (Springer, 2018)
      This book is intended for students encountering the beautiful subject of abstract algebra for the first time. My goal here is to provide a text that is suitable for you, whether you plan to take only a single course in ...
    • Acid-Base Diagrams 

      Kahlert, Heike; Scholz, Fritz (Springer, 2013)
      The understanding of acid–base equilibria is of basic importance for chemistry, and thus also for biochemistry, biology, environmental sciences, etc. Hardly any chemical technique, any biochemical process, any environmental ...
    • Acquired Brain Injury 

      Elbaum, Jean; Benson, Deborah M. (Springer, 2007)
      Crimmins (2000) marveled at the greatness of the “three pound-blob” that is our brain and control system.As seasoned clinicians in the field of neuro-rehabilitation, we still marvel each day at the resilience of the brain ...
    • Advanced Organic Chemistry 

      CAREY, FRANCIS A.; SUNDBERG, RICHARD J. (Springer, 2007)
      This Fifth Edition marks the beginning of the fourth decade that Advanced Organic Chemistry has been available. As with the previous editions, the goal of this text is to allow students to build on the foundation of ...
    • Advanced Organic Chemistry 

      CAREY, FRANCIS A.; SUNDBERG, RICHARD J. (Springer, 2007)
      The methods of organic synthesis have continued to advance rapidly and we have made an effort to reflect those advances in this Fifth Edition. Among the broad areas that have seen major developments are enantioselective ...
    • Advanced Quantum Mechanics 

      Dick, Rainer (Springer, 2016)
      Quantum mechanics was invented in an era of intense and seminal scientific research between 1900 and 1928 (and in many regards continues to be developed and expanded) because neither the properties of atoms and electrons, ...
    • Algebra 

      Lang, Serge (Springer, 2002)
      As I see it, the graduate course in algebra must primarily prepare students to handle the algebra which they will meet in all of mathematics: topology, partial differential equations, differential geometry, algebraic ...
    • The Algorithm Design Manual 

      Skiena, Steven S. (Springer, 2012)
      Most professional programmers that I’ve encountered are not well prepared to tackle algorithm design problems. This is a pity, because the techniques of algorithm design form one of the core practical technologies of ...
    • All of Statistics 

      Wassennan, Larry (Springer, 2004)
      Taken literally, the title "All of Statistics" is an exaggeration. But in spirit, the title is apt, as the book does cover a much broader range of topics than a typical introductory book on mathematical statistics. This ...
    • Analysis for Computer Scientists 

      Oberguggenberger, Michael; Ostermann, Alexander (Springer, 2018)
      We are happy that Springer Verlag asked us to prepare the second edition of our textbook Analysis for Computer Scientists. We are still convinced that the algorithmic approach developed in the first edition is an appropriate ...
    • Analyzing Qualitative Data with MAXQDA 

      Kuckartz, Udo; Rädiker, Stefan (Springer, 2019)
      “To begin at the beginning” is the opening line of the play Under Milk Wood by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. So, we also want to start here at the beginning and start with some information about the history of the analysis ...
    • Applied Bioinformatics 

      Selzer, Paul M.; Marhöfer, Richard J.; Koch, Oliver (Springer, 2018)
      Though a relatively young discipline, bioinformatics is finding increasing importance in many life science disciplines, including biology, biochemistry, medicine, and chemistry. Since its beginnings in the late 1980s, ...
    • Applied Chemistry 

      Roussak, O.V.; Gesser, H.D. (Springer, 2013)
      The first edition of this book appeared 10 years ago. This book is the result of teaching in the Applied Chemistry (Dr. H.D. Gesser, the Chemistry 2240 course) as well as in the Water Quality Analysis for Civil Engineers ...
    • Applied Linear Algebra 

      Olver, Peter J.; Shakiban, Chehrzad (Springer, 2018)
      Applied mathematics rests on two central pillars: calculus and linear algebra. While calculus has its roots in the universal laws of Newtonian physics, linear algebra arises from a much more mundane issue: the need to ...
    • Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis 

      HRardle, Wolfgang Karl; Simar, Léopold (Springer, 2015)
      The fourth edition of this book on Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis offers a new sub-chapter on Variable Selection by using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and its general form the so-called ...
    • Applied Partial Differential Equations 

      Logan, J. David (Springer, 2015)
      The goal of this new edition is the same as that for the original, namely, to present a one-semester treatment of the basic ideas encountered in partial differential equations (PDEs). The text is designed for a 3-credit ...
    • Applied Predictive Modeling 

      Kuhn, Max; Johnson, Kjell (Springer, 2013)
      This is a book on data analysis with a specific focus on the practice of predictive modeling. The term predictive modeling may stir associations such as machine learning, pattern recognition, and data mining. Indeed, ...
    • Automata and Computability 

      Kozen, Dexter C. (Springer, 1997)
      These are my lecture notes from C8381/481: Automata and Computability Theory, a one-semester senior-level course I have taught at Cornell University for many years. I took this course myself in the fall of 1974 as ...
    • Basic Concepts in Computational Physics 

      Stickler, Benjamin A.; Schachinger, Ewald (Springer, 2016)
      Traditionally physics is divided into two fields of activities: theoretical and experimental. As a consequence of the stunning increase in computer power and of the development of more powerful numerical techniques, a ...
    • Basics of Laser Physics 

      Renk, Karl F. (Springer, 2017)
      Observation of a gravitational wave is the most spectacular recent application of a laser (published in Physical Review Letters, February 2016). Four Nobel Prizes in the last four years for achievements in physics and ...