Food Fraud Prevention
This book is the culmination of a wide range of activities from outreach, research,
and teaching. It provides a broad “education” foundation on the topics with practical
application “training” to implement a practical Food Fraud Prevention Strategy,
lays out an extremely interdisciplinary foundation to help address food fraud prevention,
and presents a rational approach that applies sound science to evaluate the
solution, understand how the countermeasures and control systems work, establish
a first financial and accounting base in enterprise risk management, explore the
efficiency of those activities, and then help decide on the course of action that best
protects consumers. We’ve only just begun the journey to address food fraud prevention—
we’re only at the starting line—getting here was the easy part, and now
the hard work begins. This book is one tool for understanding a holistic and all-encompassing
perspective on the multidisciplinary Food Fraud Prevention Strategy.