Now showing items 138-274 of 274

      Kenya [2]
      Kiambu [1]
      Knowledge management practices [1]
      Knowledge Sharing [1]
      Lagam escarpment [1]
      Land utilization patterns [1]
      Landslides [1]
      Leadership [1]
      Learning [1]
      Learning outcome [1]
      Leather craft [1]
      Leather industry [1]
      Less-intensive mixer [1]
      Liquidity [1]
      Liquidity risk [1]
      Literacy [1]
      Livelihoods [1]
      Logistics Information System Management [1]
      Mango [1]
      Mango production [1]
      Marakwet [1]
      Market participation [1]
      Marketing channels [2]
      Matching techniques [1]
      Maxims [1]
      Micro and small furniture manufacturing enterprises [1]
      Microfinance Bank [1]
      Mixed farming [1]
      Mixture homogeneity [1]
      Multinomial logit model [2]
      Multiple Delivery Channel [1]
      Nandi [1]
      Narok East sub-County [1]
      Natural resource [1]
      Natural Resources [1]
      New public management [2]
      NHIF [1]
      Northern Kenya [1]
      Nutrition status [1]
      Older Persons [1]
      Online learning [1]
      Online Resources [1]
      Organizational culture [1]
      Paintings [1]
      Pan African Curriculum [1]
      Pandemic [2]
      Pandemics [1]
      Parental Support [1]
      Partial least squares. [1]
      Participatory design [1]
      Pastoral livelihoods [1]
      Performance [1]
      Performance and manufacturing firms [1]
      Physical parameters [1]
      Play [1]
      Policy [2]
      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder [1]
      Preferences and Reservations Groups [1]
      Principals’ Management Practice [1]
      Private Universities [1]
      Pro-environmental Attitudes [2]
      Probes [1]
      Product differentiation [1]
      Project performance [1]
      Project technical skills [1]
      Prototypes [1]
      Psychosocial Counselling [1]
      Psychosocial effects [1]
      Psychosocial interventions [1]
      Public Education [1]
      Public Participation [1]
      Public Procurement [1]
      Public procurement act [1]
      Public Secondary Schools [1]
      Public service delivery [2]
      Pursuing [1]
      Quantity supplied [1]
      Recall [1]
      Recurrent [1]
      Reflection [2]
      Regulatory Framework Devolved Governments [1]
      Research [1]
      Resilience [3]
      Resource Mobilization [1]
      Responsive Entrepreneurship [1]
      Rural Women [1]
      Rwanda [1]
      School health service provision model [1]
      Secondary school [1]
      Self-concept and Task competence [1]
      Servqual model [2]
      Small and Medium Size Manufacturing Enterprises [1]
      Smallholders [2]
      SMEs & Machakos Town [1]
      Socio-emotional Support [1]
      Special Needs Learners [1]
      State corporations, Firm Performance [1]
      Strategic Leadership [1]
      Strategic Marketing [1]
      Strategic orientation [1]
      Strategic Plan Development [1]
      Strategies [2]
      Students’ Academic Performance in KCSE [1]
      Students’ healthcare [1]
      Suitability [1]
      Supplier Relationship Management [1]
      Supply Chain Leagility [1]
      Supply Chain Responsiveness [1]
      Sustainable design [1]
      Sustainable development [1]
      Sustainable product design and development [1]
      Switching behavior [1]
      Technical Approach [1]
      Telecommunication Industry in Rwanda [1]
      Textbook [2]
      Tharaka-Nithi [1]
      Trade credit [1]
      Traditional and cultural religion [1]
      Transactional Leadership [1]
      Transgressing [1]
      Transparency [1]
      Trauma [1]
      Trust [1]
      TVET institutions [1]
      Two-stage least square regression [1]
      UN Sustainable Development Goals [1]
      Universal Design for Learning (UDL) [1]
      Universities [1]
      Value chain [2]
      Value-system actors [1]
      Virtual education [1]
      Virtual environment [1]
      Visually Impaired [1]
      Vulnerable Children [1]
      Waste Management [1]
      World Bank [1]
      Xanthomonas-wilt [1]