Browsing School of Environment and Natural Resources by Title
Now showing items 50-69 of 101
Improving the Participationof Agro-Pastoralists in Climate ChangeAdaptation and Disaster Risk ReductionPolicy Formulation: A Case Studyfrom Keiyo District, Kenya
(2011)rowing scientific evidence suggests that climate change will acceler-ate weather extremes and increase human vulnerability to disasters. Exposure ofagro-pastoralists to erratic rainfall and cyclical droughts leads ... -
Indigenous Construction Technologies in Flood-Prone Areas of Western Kenya
(2007)Shelter and sanitation are essential for the well-being and development of most societies. The approach and technology for the provision of shelter and sanitation varies with the social, economic and environmental ... -
Influence of Land Tenure on Gender Participation in Management of Water Projects in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru
(2016)Most water projects in Kenya, account for women having fewer opportunities in decision making committees than the men counter parts. In Njoro sub-county there are different ethnic groups who utilize land and water differently ... -
(Global Science Publications, 2016)–River Nyangoresis one of the major perennial tributaries of the famous Mara River. Rise in anthropogenic activities coupled with environmental factors have posed an effect onits water quality. This study investigated the ... -
Integrating MFT-qPCR techniques in constructed wetlandfaecal bacterial purification monitoring; a case of a typicaltropical hybrid constructed wetland system
(Iwa Publishing, 2018)The sanitation control of pathogens in the tropical effluents needs much more attention to ensureecosystem health integrity and the safety of human health. The common use of chemicals inachieving this in wastewater treatment ... -
Interactive comment on “A model of landslide triggering by transient pressure waves
(Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2014)Hydraulic diffusivity coefficient in Iverson’s (2000) paper and Pressure head diffusivity coefficient in our manuscript may appear as a matter of semantics, but they do not describe the same physical process, as indicated ... -
Interactive comment on“Hillslope experimentdemonstrates role of convergence during two-stepsaturation”byA. I. Gevaert et al.
(Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2014)Based on experimental results, obtained from a large scale physical model, Gevaertet al. (2014) attempt to present an alternative physical process of the formation of agroundwater ridge; its dependence on the shape of a ... -
Invertebrate drift densities in the Njoro and Kamweti Rivers in the Kenyan highlands that differ in the level of anthropogenic disturbances
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)Invertebrate drift is one of several fundamental ecological processes in streams. However, little is known about the dynamics of invertebrate drift in Kenyan streams. In this study, we assessed invertebrate drift in two ... -
Is the step-wise tiered approach for ERA of pharmaceuticals useful for the assessment of cancer therapeutic drugs present in marine environment?
(Elsevier, 2015)Methotrexate (MTX) and tamoxifen (TMX) cancer therapeutic drugs have been detected within the aquatic environment. Nevertheless, MTX and TMX research is essentially bio-medically orientated, with few studies addressing the ... -
Landslide scar/soil erodibility mapping using Landsat TM/ETMþ bands 7 and 3 Normalised Difference Index: A case study of central region of Kenya
(Pergamon, 2015)Landsat series multispectral remote sensing imagery has gained increasing attention in providing solutions to environmental problems such as land degradation which exacerbate soil erosion and landslide disasters in the ... -
Local communities, biodiversity conservation and ecotourism: acase study of the Kimana Community Wildlife Sanctuary, Kenya
(2016)Protected areas in Kenya constitute 7% of the total land area with over 75% of wildlife in the country being found on private or communal land. Rural communities in Kenya, where protected areas generally exist, ... -
Macroinvertebrate Drift as an Indicator of Disturbance in a Kenyan Highland Stream: The Njoro River
(AER, 2021-08)Many Kenyan streams are influenced by humans through disturbances such as water abstraction, farming and grazing in the riparian areas. However, there is limited information on the effect of natural and anthropogenic ... -
Mapping Vulnerability to Climate Change in Malawi: Spatial and Social Differentiation in the Shire River Basin
(Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2015)This article analyses vulnerability to climate related shocks across five districts in the shire river basin of Malawi. The analysis employs an indicator approach that integrates biophysical and socio-economic indices. ... -
Market Integration as a Determinant of Household Decision-Making in the Production of Roselle Plant in Mwea Sub-County
(International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2015-10)This study sought to analyze market integration as determinant of household decision-making in the production of Roselle plant in Mwea Sub-County. This study employed a descriptive survey since this method is designed to ... -
Methane-Derived Carbon in the Benthic Food Web in Stream Impoundments
(Public Library of Science, 2014)Methane gas (CH4) has been identified as an important alternative source of carbon and energy in some freshwater food webs. CH4 is oxidized by methane oxidizing bacteria (MOB), and subsequently utilized by chironomid ... -
(2011)The adsorption, desorption and leaching of metribuzin in agricultural soil samples taken from Nzoia sugarcane farming area in Kenya were determined using standard methods. The Freundlich adsorption isotherm constants ... -
A model of landslide triggering bytransient pressure waves
(Copernicus GmbH, 2014)Previous studies indicate that most rainfall-triggered shallow landslides are initiated by a spike in rainfall intensity, which does not usually occur at the beginning of a critical storm, within which the slide is triggered, ... -
Model Post Disaster Reconstruction in Third World Countries, (Case of El Nino Emergency Project– Kenya)
(2007)Following El Nino phenomena that occurred between November 1997 and March 1998, heavy rainfall all over the country caused floods that impacted thirty-five of the seventy-six administrative districts and the provincial ... -
Modeling the Spatial Impact of Climate Change on Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi) niche in Kenya
(Elixir International Journal, 2013)Although Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) is listed as endangered species and is an important attraction in Kenya’s tourism industry, there have been no attempts to model the implications of climate change on their niche. This ... -
Modelling Climate-based changes of sugarcane growing areas in Western Kenya
(2016)Sugar cane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is an important cash crop for Kenya’s sugar industry contributing significantly to the country’s economy through farming and employment. Its production in Kenya is both irrigation and ...