Browsing School of Agricultural Sciences by Submit Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 118
Coping Strategies Adopted by Public Universities in Kenya in Response to Environmental Changes
(© Sciedu Press, 2014)This study was undertaken to establish strategies adopted by public universities in Kenya in response to changes in the environment. The study design was descriptive and utilized a cross-sectional survey of all the public ... -
The Extent to Which Public Universities in Kenya Experience Managerial and Environmental Challenges
(©, 2014)The environment in which organisations operate is continuously changing, thereby posing challenges to the organisations, and higher education institutions are no exception. This study was undertaken to understand the ... -
Preservative effect of various indigenous plants on fermented milk from Maasai community of Kajiado County
(2014)Objective: This study was conducted to verify the claim that incorporation of indigenous plants in milk extends the shelf life of fresh milk for four days, and that of fermented milk for up to one a month without spoilag ... -
Phytochemical studies on herbal plants commonly used for processing and preserving meat and milk
(2014)Objective: The study aims at identifying and collecting herbal plants commonly used in milk processing and preservation by the Maasai community in Kajiado district and to determine the phytochemical and mineral ... -
The influence of process optimization on the fermentation profile of mango wine prepared from the Apple mango variety
(2013-04-29)The aim of this study was to determine the effects of temperature and yeast concentration on the fermentation kinetics and chemical properties of Apple mango fruit wine through process optimization. The physicochemical ... -
Evaluation of physical and sensory quality attributes of three mango varieties at three stages of ripeness, grown in lower eastern province of Kenya - part 1
(2014-04-29)Physical attributes at three stages of ripeness (unripe, intermediate and fully ripe) and sensory quality at full ripe stage of Apple, Ngowe and Kent mango varieties grown in Lower Eastern Province (Machakos and Kitui) of ... -
Evaluation of chemical and nutritional quality attributes of selected mango varieties at three stages of ripeness, grown in lower Eastern province of Kenya – part 2
(2013-04-29)Mango fruits are widely grown in Kenya for domestic and export utilization. Selected chemical and nutritive quality attributes of Apple, Ngowe and Kent were evaluated at three stages of ripeness. The cultivars were ... -
Effects of Malting and Fermentation on Anti-Nutrient Reduction and Protein Digestibility of Red Sorghum, White Sorghum and Pearl Millet
(2013)Sorghum and millet and their products require specialized treatment in order to improve their nutritive value, organoleptic properties and shelf-life. They contain anti-nutrients which are the major phytochemicals which ... -
Development of instant breakfast cereals from optimized flours of pearl millet, red and white sorghum
(, 2012)Objective: This was to develop instant breakfast cereals from optimized flours of red and white sorghum and pearl millet. Methodology and results: Breakfast cereals were developed from optimally treated flours of red ... -
Evaluation of Ziziphus abbysinica fruit paste as used by the pastoral community of West Pokot, Kenya for the preservation of fresh pork sausages
(2012)The pastoralists from West Pokot district have used the fruit paste of Ziziphus abyssinica A. Rich (AZA), to process and preserve meat over a long period of Time. This study tests the effectiveness the herb to preserve ... -
Thermal stability of ascorbic acid and ascorbic acid oxidase in african cowpea leaves ( Vigna unguiculata ) of different maturities
(2011-03)Cowpea, an African leafy vegetable ( Vigna unguiculata ), contains a high level of vitamin C. The leaves harvested at 4-9 weeks are highly prone to vitamin C losses during handling and processing. Therefore, the purpose ... -
Effect of perforated blue polyethylene bunch covers on selected postharvest quality parameters of tissue-cultured bananas (Musa spp.) cv. Williams in Central Kenya
(2010-12)Banana farming in Kenya has recently moved from subsistence to commercial farming. There is therefore the need to produce high quality fruits that are visually acceptable, have good postharvest quality attributes and ... -
Effects of alkali treatment on tannins and phytates in red sorghum, white sorghum and pearl millet
(, 2010-07-13)Objective:Tannins and phytates anti-nutrients are abundant in sorghum and millet; they reduce the nutrient value and organoleptic properties of foods. Alkali treatment was therefore employed to detoxify them. Methodology ... -
Challenges and Opportunities in Postharvest Horticulture Research and Training in Developing Countries – "The Case of Kenya”.
(2010)The Kenyan horticulture industry has grown to become a major employer, contributor to food needs and foreign exchange earner. Horticulture is the second largest earner of foreign exchange after remittances from Kenyan ... -
Bioactive fractions in the stem charcoal of Ozoroa insignis used by the pastoral communities in West Pokot to preserve milk
(2010-02-09)Objective: To determine the potential of Ozoroa insignis Del to preserve milk as practiced by the pastoralists of West Pokot, Kenya. Methodology and results:The aqueous and organic solvents extracts of the peeled stem ... -
Differential Regulation of Wound-Induced 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate Synthase Activity and Gene Expression in Mesocarp Tissue of Winter Squash Fruit by Carbon Dioxide and Diazocyclopentadiene"
(Africa Jounals Online, 2001)Ethylene biosythesis in higher plants induced by various stimuli may be regulated by several factors, among them ethylene action inhibitors. This study investigates the regulation of wound-induced ethylene production, ... -
Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging under Ice Cooling on the Postharvest Storage Life and Quality of Spinach (Spinacea oleracea L) Leaves
(Africa Jounals Online, 2003)The effect of the use of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) in combination with ice cooling on postharvest storage life (6 days) and market quality attributes of spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) leaves were investigated. ... -
Effect of Film Thickness on Postharvest Ripening and Quality Characteristics of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Fruit Under Modified Atmosphere Packaging
(Africa Jounals Online, 2003)Two different gauges, (0.04mm and 0.08mm) of low density polyethylene (LDPE) films were tested for their effectiveness in controlling ripening and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. cv. Cal J) fruit during ... -
Expression of a 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) oxidase gene in peach (Prunus persica L.) fruit in response to treatment with carbon dioxide and 1-methylcyclopropene: possible role of ethylene
(Africa Jounals Online, 2004)In this study we investigated the effect of exogenous ethylene treatment on ethylene production, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) oxidase activity and expression of an ACC oxidase (PP-ACO1) gene previously cloned ... -
Inhibition of auxin-induced ethylene production in cucumber fruit discs by carbon dioxide
(Elsevier B.V., 2003-10-02)The induction of ethylene biosynthesis by indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and its regulation by CO2 was examined in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L., var. Sharp-1) fruit discs. Treatment of discs with IAA significantly stimulated ...