Applied Chemistry
The first edition of this book appeared 10 years ago. This book is the result of teaching in the Applied
Chemistry (Dr. H.D. Gesser, the Chemistry 2240 course) as well as in the Water Quality Analysis for
Civil Engineers (Dr. O.V. Roussak, the CHEM 2560 course) to second year engineering students
for many years at the University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada). Much has transpired in
science during this period and that includes applied chemistry. The major change in this new edition
that becomes obvious is the addition of several (eight) experiments to accompany the book and the
course for which it was intended. A new solutions manual is also a valuable asset to the second edition
of the book.
Chemistry is primarily an experimental science and the performance of a few experiments to
accompany the text was long considered while the course was taught. The choice of experiments we
include was determined by the equipment that is usually available (with one or two possible
exceptions) and by the expected usefulness of these experiments to the student, who will eventually
become a practicing professional, and to the cost that is involved in student time. We welcome any
reasonable and inexpensive additional experiments to introduce for the next edition of our book and
topics to include in the next edition.