Now showing items 22-41 of 43

    • Handbook of Consumer Finance Research 

      Xiao, Jing Jian (Springer, 2016)
      The fi rst edition of the book was published in 2008, during which American consumers were experiencing the great recession (2007–2009). After 6 years, the American economy is still recovering, and consumers are facing ...
    • International Business Management 

      Fatehi, Kamal; Choi, Jeongho (Springer, 2019)
      We are living in a world where the only certainty is the uncertainty in the human affairs. A few decades ago, it was common among the academicians to discuss a future where large multinational corporations would be in ...
    • International Trade Theory and Policy 

      Gandolfo, Giancarlo (Springer, 2014)
      There is no lack of good international economics textbooks ranging from the elementary to the advanced, so that an additional drop in this ocean calls for an explanation. In the present writer’s opinion, there seems still ...
    • Introduction to Electronic Commerce and Social Commerce 

      Turban, Efraim; Whiteside, Judy; King, David; Outland, Jon (Springer, 2017)
      The global economic crisis of 2009–2014 forced organizations to reduce expenses in an environment of reduced economic activities. One of the most popular cost-reduction activities is conducting more business online. ...
    • Knowledge Management 

      North, Klaus; Kumta, Gita (Springer, 2018)
      On the path towards a knowledge-based society, organisations – firms, public institutions, non-governmental organisations – increasingly face the challenge to mobilise knowledge resources for creating value in a sustainable ...
    • Leadership Today 

      Marques, Joan; Dhiman, Satinder (Springer, 2017)
      The story that today’s workforce is looking for different skills and qualities in its leaders has become abundantly clear in the past decade, not only through a major shift in corporate leadership, but also through shifts ...
    • Logistics 

      Gleissner, Harald; Femerling, J. Christian (Springer, 2013)
      Globalization and Logistics are closely connected, just as Globalization and Academic Lecturing are. This poses new challenges in studying Logistics and makes textbooks in English an important tool in college and university ...
    • Managing Sustainable Business 

      Lenssen, Gilbert G.; Smith, N. Craig (Springer, 2019)
      This book provides an excellent framework for managers to pursue sustainable business in a strategic way. At the same time, it is a learning model, starting with the foundations of risk management and stakeholder management ...
    • Market Research 

      Mooi, Erik; Sarstedt, Marko; Mooi-Reci, Irma (Springer, 2018)
      In the digital economy, data have become a valuable commodity, much in the way that oil is in the rest of the economy (Wedel and Kannan 2016). Data enable market researchers to obtain valuable and novel insights. There ...
    • Microeconomics 

      Dorman, Peter (Springer, 2014)
      It would not be easy to avoid all discussion of economics in twenty-first century America. You would have to keep your distance from television, radio and newspapers, not to mention casual conversations on the job, over ...
    • Multinational Management 

      Segers, Rien T. (Springer, 2016)
      In this book, we want to emphasize that hundreds of emerging Asian companies will reach out to the world and enter the globalmarket in the next decade. At thismoment, these new companies are rather unknown in the West. ...
    • Physical Asset Management 

      Hastings, Nicholas A.J. (Springer, 2015)
      Physical asset management is the management of fixed assets such as machinery, vehicles, equipment, plant, buildings, and infrastructure. This book presents a systematic approach to the management of these assets from ...
    • Principles of Microeconomics 

      Kolmar, Martin (Springer, 2017)
      One may wonder why I think that it makes sense to add yet another introductory textbook to the overfilled shelf of well-established books on microeconomics. There are three reasons that motivated me to do so. First, a ...
    • Social Media Management 

      Looy, Amy Van (Springer, 2016)
      This book is written as an international handbook and primarily targets students in economics and business administration. Also other students interested in the organization’s way of working or social media management ...
    • Strategic Human Resource Management and Employment Relations 

      Malik, Ashish (Springer, 2018)
      The theoretical roots for the study of human resource management (HRM) in organisations have existed in the Western contexts for over a century when seminal ideas of influential management thinkers such as Taylor, Drucker ...
    • Strategic International Management 

      Morschett, Dirk; Schramm-Klein, Hanna; Zentes, Joachim (Springer, 2015)
      In this third edition, all chapters have been updated, new chapters integrated, all case studies revised and recent data were integrated. The concept, as it is described below, remained unchanged. Over the last few ...
    • Strategic Retail Management 

      Zentes, Joachim; Morschett, Dirk; Schramm-Klein, Hanna (Springer, 2017)
      The economic importance of retailing is constantly increasing, as can be seen from the development of many countries across Europe, America and Asia. In highly developed countries, retailers are taking an increased ...
    • Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning 

      Stadtler, Hartmut; Kilger, Christoph; Meyr, Herbert (Springer, 2015)
      More than 15 years have passed since we started working on the first edition of this book. A lot has happened in the meantime. A dot-com bubble has grown and burst. Another wave of lean management has rolled over the ...
    • Sustainable Supply Chains 

      Bouchery, Yann; Corbett, Charles J.; Fransoo, Jan C.; Tan, Tarkan (Springer, 2017)
      Who is this book for? In this Preface we give a quick introduction to the objectives and intended audience of the book, the guiding principles we adopted in assembling it, and its structure. In the Introduction (Chap. 1 ...
    • System Dynamics 

      Bala, Bilash Kanti; Arshad, Fatimah Mohamed; Noh, Kusairi Mohd (Springer, 2017)
      This book System Dynamics: Modelling and Simulation is a totally new book with numerous examples and case studies for better understanding the complex systems and their changes through modelling and simulation to aid in ...